Efficient search in your prompts

The nele.ai prompt search allows you to quickly find and execute relevant prompts.

How to start the prompt search

Starten der Prompt-Suche über die Lupe oder das Glühbirnen-Icon.

The prompt search can be started in two ways. Either click on the search icon, which is on the right above the prompt overview (1), or alternatively click on the light bulb icon in the input field of a chat window (2). The search window opens.

Enter the search term and search results

Eine ausgeführte Prompt-Suche mit Suchergebnissen.

If you want to search your prompts, enter your search term in the search field (1). The search is automatically performed on all of your prompts that are in your nele.ai prompt overview.

On the results page (2) All results that match your search query are listed. If it is an assistance prompt, it is also marked with a small flash (3).

Click on the execute icon in the form of an arrow (1a) or alternatively to a prompt title, the prompt is copied to your active chat and can be changed and/or executed there. If no chat is active at this time, the prompt is copied to a new, empty chat.

Next to the execute icon, there is a pencil icon that allows you to edit the prompt as needed (4). This edit changes the prompt globally and is independent of a chat.

In the search window, you can also use your Chat titles to search. To do this, select “Chats” instead of “Prompts”.