Integrate files and websites into the chat

You can add a document to your chats (a list of file types can be found here) or integrate a website. The information from these sources is then taken into account in your conversation with the AI, the “chat context.” This means that the AI remembers the information that you uploaded during the respective conversation.

If the AI information is made available in a chat context, a prompt must also be entered. Read how this works in the following sections.

Select and submit data

Embed documents and web pages into a chat message.

To start embedding additional information from documents or websites, click on the paper clip icon in the chat (1). A menu opens where you can upload a file (1a) or read out the website (1b) be able to select.

Note that on a website, the specific website area of the URL, such as exclusively the start page or only a subpage, is read out and not the entire Internet presence.

Under “Uploading files,” continue to select a file from your computer or mobile device. Under “Read website”, enter the URL of the desired page and confirm with the check mark.

Embedded files and web pages before embedding. gives you positive feedback (2) as soon as the files or the URL are included. Finally, enter your prompt and click Submit (1c).

Up to 5 different elements can be added per message, such as 2 images, a web page and two text files.

Integrated files and web pages in a chat history.

Note that embedded web pages and/or documents have an impact on the token volume of your chat. It is crucial to know that the capacity of a chat is limited by the so-called tokens. 1,000 tokens roughly correspond to around 750 words. Different AI models from can handle a different number of tokens, which has a direct impact on the length of content that the model can process in one run.

This means that even integrated websites and/or documents can slowly fill this token volume and - if you have a large scope - exploit it.

You can find out more about AI models and their token volume per chat in our manual entry Read about AI models.

Supported file types currently supports the following file types for chat integration:






.pptx (new)



