
Handbook for nele.ai - Your new reference book is here

At the same time as the relaunch of our website, the manual for nele.ai is now also available. It is aimed explicitly at all users who have questions after installation — regardless of whether it concerns functions, administrator settings or general information. Detailed instructions and illustrative screenshots make it easier to use the AI application.

Discover the handbook now

Well informed in three areas

Information for Users: Chats, Prompts and Program Settings in Detail

The manual provides useful explanations of all essential functions. Whether it's the intelligent chat, the extensive prompt library or general program settings: You get all the information you need to utilize the full potential of nele.ai. Step-by-step instructions and examples help you make optimal use of the features.

Information for administrators: Efficient administration made easy

For administrators, the manual contains essential information about the admin area and setting up single sign-on. The intuitive management interface makes it possible to control users, AI models and knowledge databases. This means that control is always maintained and all options of the system can be used.

Fun fact: Learn more about artificial intelligence

The “Things to Know” section contains valuable information about knowledge databases, AI models and many other topics from the world of artificial intelligence. This knowledge helps to better understand nele.ai and to use the technologies effectively in the company.

Useful for training: support every step of the way

Our expert in the area of AI and AI consulting, Michael Louis, regularly conducts training and online seminars on nele.ai and uses the manual as a valuable addition. It offers participants the opportunity to deepen what they have learned and look it up at any time.

Our AI training courses with interactive live demos are free of charge and include tried and tested tips and tricks. Upcoming dates will be published on our website, registrations are possible at any time and participation from home is easy. It is also possible to book individual training. Here you can find all dates.

Since we are constantly adding new features to nele.ai and adapting it to technical developments, the manual is also constantly updated. Use your new source of knowledge as a comprehensive companion on the way to successful use of nele.ai.

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